Remotely Controlled Entanglement Generation

Remotely Controlled Entanglement Generation

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Ferran Riera-Sàbat1, Pavel Sekatski2, and Wolfgang Dür1

1Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
2University of Geneva, Department of Applied Physics, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland

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We consider a system of multiple qubits without any quantum control. We show that one can mediate entanglement between different subsystems in a controlled way by adding a (locally) controlled auxiliary system of the same size that couples via an always-on, distant dependent interaction to the system qubits. Solely by changing the internal state of the control system, one can selectively couple it to selected qubits, and ultimately generate different kinds of entanglement within the system. This provides an alternative way for quantum control and quantum gates that does not rely on the ability to switch interactions on and off at will, and can serve as a locally controlled quantum switch where all entanglement patterns can be created. We demonstrate that such an approach also offers an increased error tolerance w.r.t. position fluctuations.

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