Ryan Selkis Pledges to Support Trump's Re-Election and Advocate for Pro-Crypto Policies

Ryan Selkis Pledges to Support Trump’s Re-Election and Advocate for Pro-Crypto Policies

Source Node: 2594039


  • Ryan Selkis plans to support Trump’s re-election and target Senate seats to favor pro-crypto policies.
  • Selkis criticizes Biden administration figures, expressing a desire for legal repercussions against key officials.
  • Advocating for American crypto dominance, Selkis calls for a strategic political shift in favor of the cryptocurrency industry.

Ryan Selkis, CEO of MessariCrypto, recently tweeted about his intentions to influence the 2024 elections. He emphasized his dedication to fulfilling his promises, stating, “When I say I’m going to do something, I do it.” 

Meanwhile, Selkis plans to support former President Donald Trump’s re-election and aims to shift the Senate to a Republican majority. His target includes “Warren extremists,” referencing Senator Elizabeth Warren’s stance on cryptocurrency.

Selkis’s approach highlights a clear strategy to back pro-crypto members of both political parties in the House of Representatives. His goal is to create a legislative environment that supports the growth and dominance of the American cryptocurrency industry.

Promotion of American Crypto Dominance

Selkis’s tweets also reveal his commitment to establishing the United States as a leader in the global cryptocurrency market. He stated, “I also will not stop until we’ve won and made American crypto dominant.” This vision aligns with his professional objectives at MessariCrypto, where he advocates for policies that benefit the crypto industry.

His focus on making American crypto dominant suggests a long-term plan to enhance the country’s position in the competitive global market. This ambition resonates with many within the crypto community who seek a more favorable regulatory environment.

Criticism of Biden Administration Figures

In his tweets, Selkis strongly criticized several figures in the Biden administration. He voiced excitement over potential legal consequences for individuals such as Gary Gensler, Anthony Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Hunter Biden, stating they “100% deserved” jail time. This remark reflects his frustration with what he perceives as corruption and mismanagement within the current administration.

Selkis’s comments on Gary Gensler are particularly notable given Gensler’s role as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC has been actively regulating the cryptocurrency industry, leading to tensions between regulators and crypto advocates.

Addressing the broader crypto community, Selkis criticized those who believe the justice system is impartial despite witnessing what he describes as corruption from the Biden administration’s financial regulators. He referred to such individuals as having “brain worms,” indicating his belief that they ignore evident political biases.

This critique highlights a divide within the crypto community regarding perceptions of regulatory actions and the justice system. Selkis’s outspoken stance may influence the perspectives of other crypto enthusiasts and mobilize support for his political and industry-related goals.

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