Triangle cybersecurity company cracks new CNBC ‘Top Startups for the Enterprise’ list

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RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – CNBC on Monday launched a new “top startups” list, and Morrisville-based JupiterOne is on it.

CNBC defined the 25 selected firms this way:

“These are up-and-coming companies built by ambitious, creative, and innovative entrepreneurs who specifically set out to develop the latest technology in business intelligence, IT, cloud, big data, and cybersecurity as companies in all sectors of the economy allocate increasing levels of spending to technology.”

JupiterOne, which earlier this year raised $70 million and is now valued as a “unicorn” at $1 billion,  calls itself “the industry’s leading provider of cyber asset attack surface management (CAASM) technology.”

CNBC’s Top Startups for the Enterprise list is based on what the network says is a unique set of criteria.

“We are honored to be recognized by CNBC as a Top Startup for the Enterprise,” said Erkang Zheng, founder and CEO at JupiterOne. “The ability to quickly analyze data aggregated from many different tools within a single system of record — the JupiterOne platform — reduces the time it takes for security teams to answer questions about their environments in a landscape where posture, risk, and dependencies can change constantly. This honor demonstrates the value JupiterOne provides organizations of all sizes to help secure their attack surface while protecting their business.”

More JupiterOne headlines:

Morrisville tech firm JupiterOne joins IBM, Amazon in cybersecurity alliance – here’s why

Meteoric rise: Triangle cybersecurity startup JupiterOne reaches ‘unicorn’ status with $70M cash injection

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