Blood Red Sky, The Forever Purge și orice alt film nou pe care îl puteți reda acasă în acest weekend

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În această săptămână, Blood Red Sky — Peter Thorwarth’s vampire horror hostage thriller, starring Peri Baumeister — lands on Netflix. After less than a month out in theaters, both Purificarea pururea și Zola are now on video on demand. If that weren’t enough, we’ve got loads more new films: the crime thriller Miezul nopții în Switchgrass starring Megan Fox and Bruce Willis, the sci-fi thriller Settlers, starring Sofia Boutella of Kingsman: Serviciul Secret fame alongside Jonny Lee Miller, the action comedy Zdruncina starring Kate Beckinsale as a bouncer with anger issues, plus tons more!

To help you get a handle on what’s new and available, here are the movies you can watch on video on demand and streaming this weekend.

Purificarea pururea

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru închiriere pentru 19.99 USD pe Amazon Prime Video, Apple, și Vudu

Purgers fire a machine gun atop a buggy in The Forever Purge Foto: Universal Pictures

The fifth installment in the dystopian action horror series, Purificarea pururea is set eight years after the events of 2016’s Purge: Anul alegerilor, with the New Founding Fathers of America having regained control of the US government and re-instituted the annual Purge. Following the Purge’s resolution, a band of lawless marauders decide to prolong the Purge indefinitely, wrecking a wave of havoc as survivors attempt to protect themselves. From revizuirea noastră:

While the Purge franchise’s lack of subtlety is a big part of its charm, Purificarea pururea is probably the biggest test of these movies’ unsubtle methods. There’s the delicious irony of a scenario where Americans desperately want to get în Mexico, but it’s burdened with a condescending execution. While Adela and Juan are ostensibly the protagonists, the Tucker family get all the actual character arcs. An overwhelming chunk of Purificarea pururea’s brisk 103 minutes is devoted to the film’s Mexican immigrants saving the Tuckers’ lives, helping them survive, and furthering their moral development. It is, frankly, an insulting running thread that sours an otherwise deft horror-thriller.

Cerul Roșu Sânge

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru redare în flux Netflix


Cerul Roșu Sânge, an action horror film directed by Peter Thorwarth, stars Peri Baumeister as Nadja, a woman with a mysterious illness who boards an overnight flight from Germany with her 10-year-old son. When a group of terrorists hijacks the plane and threatens the passengers, Nadja must make an impossible decision: leave them to their fate, or become the monster she’s worked so hard to hide, in order to save them all?


Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru închiriere pentru 19.99 USD pe Amazon Prime Video, Apple, și Vudu

zola and another girl stand face to face Foto: Anna Kooris/Institutul Sundance

Luat din a 2015 viral Twitter thread by Aziah “Zola” Wells, Zola follows the story of a stripper who embarks on a wild road trip to Florida and gets ensnared in a bizarre, deadly scheme involving sex work, murder, and profoundly odd characters. From revizuirea noastră:

… [L]ike Nestemate și Adio, Zola is the product of a new generation of filmmakers, late-age millennial auteurs who don’t need to bow down to the past and settle for pastiche. For Bravo, that means conveying the stress of our current moment, whether it’s a rap track devolving into Mica Levi-composed ambience, or letting the dialogue rip in loud, near-unintelligible ways. Zola is a confident film with a confident protagonist, and the agency on display is infectious.


Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru redare în flux Amazon Prime Video

Kate Beckinsale as Lindy in Jolt. Foto: Amazon Prime Video

Lumea interlopă star Kate Beckinsale stars in Tanya Wexler’s action comedy Zdruncina as Lindy, a beautiful and funny young woman who experiences periods of intense hyper-violent rage due to a mysterious neurological disorder she’s had since her youth. Relying on the help of a special electrode-lined vest invented by her trust physician Dr. Munchin (Stanley Tucci) to control her impulses, Lindy begins to feel as though she can pursue a normal life when she starts dating Justin (Jai Courtney), an unassuming accountant with a trustworthy disposition. However, when Lindy discovers that Justin has been murdered, she chooses to hone her long-simmering lifelong rage into a weapon in search of revenge and answers. From our review:

Zdruncina initially seems like a gender-switched version of Manie. That 2006 cult film and its 2009 sequel Manivela: Tensiune înaltă both star Jason Statham as a hitman who, for various convoluted reasons, needs to keep his adrenaline high and his heart pumping, via fistfights, street races, public sex, and eventually by strapping himself to a car battery. Zdruncina isn’t as wonderfully ludicrous as those films, and it wastes a little too much time setting up a staid “All women want to be loved” narrative throughline. But when the film lets action-mode Beckinsale do what she does best, which is charm guys with her face, then punch their faces, Zdruncina clicks together.


Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru închiriere pentru 5.99 USD pe Amazon Prime Video, 6.99 USD pe Apple, Vudu

Foto: IFC Midnight

Starring Jonny Lee Miller (Elementar) and Sofia Boutella (Kingsman: Serviciul Secret), Wyatt Rockefeller’s sci-fi thriller Settlers follows a family of explorers who, following a devastating ecological disaster, abandon Earth in hopes of eking out a new life on a nascent Martian colony. When the family takes in a mysterious stranger amid ongoing attacks by a group of marauding bandits, they’ll have to find a way to survive the planet’s harsh and barren terrain — along with each other. From our review:

Filmele ar putea face mai rău decât să mimeze unele dintre suprapunerile narative dintre acestea Străinii și High Life, dar Rockefeller repetă doar alte literaturi științifico-fantastice, în loc să inventeze propriile lui idei mari. Rezultatul este că cele mai interesante idei ale filmului – Ilsa spune cu tristețe despre Pământ: „Nu știm de unde suntem”; terraformarea ca un fel de genocid – rămâne neexplorat în favoarea unei povești care se zgârie suficient de jos pentru a propune agresiunea sexuală ca dezvoltare a caracterului. Când Reza îi spune lui Remmy că într-o zi, Marte „va fi exact ca Pământul”, o ofertă SF mai curajoasă ar învârti această linie ca un avertisment.

Midnight In The Switchgrass

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru închiriere pentru 5.99 USD pe Amazon Prime Video, Apple, și Vudu

Megan Fox and Bruce Willis in Midnight in the Switchgrass Foto: Lionsgate

Bruce Willis and Megan Fox star in Randall Emmett’s Miezul nopții în Switchgrass as Karl Helter and Rebecca Lombardi, two FBI agents who cross paths in Florida when they’re brought in to help stop a serial killer. When their undercover sting collaboration with state officer Byron Crawford (Emile Hirsch) is blown, the three will have to work together in order to stay alive and catch the culprit.

Și iată ce a scăzut vinerea trecută:

Space Jam: O moștenire nouă

Unde să urmăriți: In theaters and available to stream on HBO Max

Lebron James moments from dunking a basketball in Space Jam: A New Legacy Fotografie: Warner Bros.

Space Jam: O moștenire nouă îl joacă pe LeBron James ca o versiune fictivă a lui însuși care, într-o încercare zădărnicită de a se apropia de fiul său obsedat de jocuri pe computer, Dom, este transportat în Warner Bros. Serververse și ținut captiv de o inteligență artificială nefastă cunoscută sub numele de Al-G-Rhythm. (Don Cheadle). Pentru a scăpa, LeBron trebuie să adune distribuția Looney Toons din colțurile mai multor francize Warner Bros. și să concureze într-un meci de baschet în care câștigătorul ia totul împotriva echipei Rhythm's Goon, formată din simboluri virtuale de baschet precum Anthony Davis și Klay Thompson. Din recenzia noastră:

Prima Space Jam s-a născut dintr-o încercare a vinde adidași. Într-o etapă amețitoare de dominație corporativă, noul Space Jam încearcă să vândă tot ce a făcut Warner Bros. Space Jam: O moștenire nouă nu este cu adevărat un film – este un curs intens de integrare verticală și identitate de marcă, o prezentare de diapozitive de marketing cu o durată de două ore. Telespectatorii săi sunt duși într-un tur vârtej prin fiecare IP Warner orientat către fiecare grup demografic: Themyscira de la Wonder Woman pentru fete și femei, Matrix pentru bărbații în vârstă, Harry Potter pentru adulții în vârstă sub 40 de ani care nu au citit prea mult știrile și așa mai departe. Așa funcționează acum Hollywood. Acesta este viitorul filmelor de succes.

Fear Street, partea a treia: 1666

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru redare în flux Netflix


The third and final film in Leigh Janiak’s Fear Street series, adapted from R.L. Stine’s books, skews the farthest from the established genre conventions of the former two installments with a period horror setting that plunges deep into the backstory of the trilogy’s ostensible antagonist, Sarah Fier. Din recenzia noastră:

Strada fricii: 1666 pulls back the veils of time in order to exhume the long-buried truth behind the witch’s curse and the root of Shadyside’s mutual animosity with its sister city Sunnyvale. Sarah, in stark contrast to the malevolent figure the series has made her out to be so far, was not unlike Deena once: a kind-hearted, mild-mannered teenager whose rebellious temperament and repressed sexual identity put her at odds with the prevailing social sentiments of her time. Sarah harbors a love for her childhood friend Hannah Miller (Olivia Scott Welch), parallel to Deena’s relationship with her ex-girlfriend Sam, and when accusations of carnal sin and witchcraft begin to brew in Union following a string of inexplicable and horrifying omens, the closeness between the two naturally makes them targets for suspicion and resentment.

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru redare în flux Paramount More

Evelyn (Emily Blunt) puts her hand over Marcus’ (Noah Jupe) mouth in A Quiet Place Part II Photo: Jonny Cournoyer/Paramount Pictures

Un loc liniștit partea a II-a takes place shortly after the events of its 2018 predecessor, with Evelyn Abbott and her family abandoning their now-compromised farmhouse to venture out in search of survivors in a world overrun with ravenous alien creatures with hypersensitive hearing. However, the farther out they trek, the more apparent it becomes that there are far greater horrors along the trail apart from their would-be extraterrestrial predators. Din recenzia noastră:

Mostly, the sequel takes the highs of the first movie a little higher, while its lows are about the same. Un loc liniștit partea a II-a continues to get a lot of mileage out of toying with horror’s deep relationship with sound, using wonderfully mixed audio to reorient the audience’s sense of peril toward everything aural, and using that threat to ratchet up the tension. Through sound, staging, and performance, scares are wrung out of silence, and the smallest bump can shock viewers with the terror of a gunshot. Furthermore, while thrills are the main draw, the movie’s cast does tremendous work with dramatic scenes communicated in ASL. The care taken in these more intimate scenes does a lot to smooth over the ways disability is factored into the genre conceit. Part II, like the film before it, runs the risk of being overbearing in building to a finale where a hearing aid saves the world, but it at least does the work of rooting that moment in Regan’s arc of independence.

Lapte praf de pușcă

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru redare în flux Netflix


Karen Gillan (Doctor Who, Gardienii galaxiei) stars Sam, a professional assassin who adopts the family trade when her mother Scarlett (Lena Headley), a legendary hit-woman abandons her under mysterious circumstances. When Sam’s latest mission goes awry, she chooses to protect young girl (Chloe Coleman) whose life is threatened by an ensuing gang war. With no other choice but to go rogue, Sam must enlist the help of her estranged mother and her lethal associates (Michelle Yeoh, Angela Bassett, and Carla Gugino) in order to survive. Din recenzia noastră:

Lapte praf de pușcă, cel mai recent John Wick knockoff, can be described like this: What if that female-superheroes-assemble moment from Răzbunători: Endgame was expanded into a full two-hour movie, starring one of the actors from that specific scene, and incorporating plenty of bisexual lighting and a cute kid for good measure? The simplicity (and arguably superficiality) of this kind of girl-power-rah-rah energy is the fuel of Netflix’s unnuanced, ungraceful, often uninteresting Lapte praf de pușcă. The film’s intermittent delights are momentarily satisfying, but then numbness sets in, like the brain freeze that blooms after you slurp on the film’s titular ice-cream treat.

Mori într-o luptă

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru închiriere pentru 5.99 USD pe Amazon Prime Video, Apple, și Vudu

Diego Boneta and Alexandra Daddario in Die in a Gunfight Foto: Lionsgate

Lotusul Alb" Alexandra Daddario and Diego Boneta star in director Collin Schiffli’s garish gangster action romance drama Mori într-o luptă as Mary and Ben, two star-crossed scions of rival crime families pitted in a centuries-long feud. The discovery of their romance triggers a domino effect that threatens to engulf everyone around them in a violent open war for love and supremacy. With premise on a whole taking obvious cues from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Mori într-o luptă looks like a blast.

Out of Death

Unde să urmăriți: Disponibil pentru închiriere pentru 6.99 USD pe Amazon Prime Video, Apple, și Vudu

Bruce Willis holding a gun in Out of Death Foto: Vertical Entertainment

Out of Death stars Bruce Willis as Jack Harris, a retired cop who treks out to his family’s cabin in the remote wilderness in search of peace and solitude. Things take a turn for the worse however when he crosses paths with Shannon (Jaime King), a hiker on the run from a corrupt police officer after witnesses an illicit drug deal gone horribly wrong. Fearing for their lives, Jack must resort to every ounce of his aptitude for violence and cunning to save Shannon and bring her would-be murderers to justice.



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