Maximizați rentabilitatea investiției comerțului electronic adăugând rapid livrarea de ultima milă la strategia dvs. SCM

Nodul sursă: 878048

Înregistrează-te acum

Data: 29th iunie, 2021

Durata evenimentului: 1: 00 pm ET

Webinar live: 1 oră

Descrierea webinarului

The stay-at-home mandates associated with combating the Coronavirus pandemic upended traditional retail and traditional supply chains across North America. Retailers, manufacturers, and their supply chain partners scrambled to pivot to online selling, and eCommerce and omnichannel fulfillment – often with ad hoc process adjustments, technical workarounds, and in some cases, even manual or paper-based processes. As we begin to emerge from under the COVID-19 cloud, and things return to the new normal, there is time to take a deep breath and make your last-mile delivery better. If you haven’t made that pivot, the changes in consumer purchasing habits look like they will outlast the pandemic, so you are not too late to get into the eCommerce fulfillment game and add multi-carrier parcel management to your supply chain tech stack.  

Please join Mike Graves, VP Product Management at Pierbridge, and Martin Hespeler VP, Americas at Microlistics (both divisions of the WiseTech Global Group) on June 29 at 1pm EST as they share some key strategies to get last-mile delivery up and running that will allow you to achieve a faster speed to market, while reducing costs and frustrations.   

Ideal pentru:

  • Retailers who want to reduce eCommerce fulfilment costs
  • Suppliers looking to better serve downstream customers with omnichannel fulfilment strategies like endless aisles and drop shipping
  • 3PLs looking to add value to existing customer engagements and attract new ones
  • Supply chain technology providers who want to extend their solution and offer

Ce veți învăța:

  • Cele mai bune practici pentru evaluarea și adoptarea co-boților într-un mediu greenfield
  • Cum roboții își valorifică forța de muncă actuală pentru a primi comenzi de 2x-3x mai rapid, cu o precizie de 100%
  • Cum să scalați eficient pentru a îndeplini perioadele de cerere mare și termene de expediere prioritare fără a crește costurile sau a angaja forță de muncă temporară.


Mike Graves, VP Product Management, Pierbridge
Martin Hespeler, VP, Americas, Microlistics


Robert Bowman, Redactor șefSupplyChainBr



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