Žeton NED – ni več samo kriptovaluta, ampak celoten ekosistem

Izvorno vozlišče: 1492503

It’s impossible to talk about the NED project without starting with the token itself. The NED Token is the main pillar of the entire NED ecosystem, an innovative combination of several platforms that take advantage of blockchain technologies. These platforms bring a new quality to the world of cryptocurrencies and the existing startup network ecosystem. The NED token itself is known as a utility token, which means that it will be the main mean of payment within these platforms. The NED token currently uses its own system, same as  the ERC-20 standard. The issuer is also working on a BEP-20 standard token

Žetoni bodo na koncu uporabljeni v širšem ekosistemu NED, ki združuje več specializiranih platform in podjetij, povezanih s projektom NED.  

These platforms will include, for example Everchain, a virtual data storage vault. Stored data may include but is not limited to photos, files and documents. Thanks to the blockchain technology, your data will be guaranteed the maximum level of security. Stored permanently in the system, there are no circumstances under which data can be lost or “evaporate.” Furthermore, the data will be stored in an encrypted format, so that only the owner of the file (who holds the relevant key to decode it) will be able to view its contents. 

Galileo, in contrast, will be an innovative virtual cryptocurrency exchange, a hybrid system between centralised and decentralised crypto exchanges. A safe, modern platform with an intuitive UI,  is also an launchpad for new cryptocurrency projects, which offers issuers simpler and less costly listings of new and startup cryptocurrency projects and greater protection for buyers. Furthermore, starting own crypto business will never be the same after Galilei’s launch. Anybody will be a few clicks away from starting own crypto business, thanks to the Galilei. 

Ned Future, meanwhile, focuses on real estate and aims to become an online real estate office unlimited by territory and offering innovative changes in real estate sales and rentals. Unlike traditional offices, it is unrestricted in its territorial scope and unlimited by the operating hours of physical branches. At the same time, it serves as a hub, bringing together investors and interesting development projects. 

Vaše žetone NED lahko nato uporabite za plačila ali storitve na vseh platformah v ekosistemu.  

Kdo stoji za tem? 

The NED project is being developed by the international holding company NED New Era Development, which has been active in the  market for years and currently aims to enter the digital space, connecting traditional markets with new, modern blockchain technologies, services and trends.  

Z edinstveno kombinacijo najboljših IT strokovnjakov in kriptografskih tehnologov z izkušenimi strokovnjaki na finančnih in nepremičninskih trgih, skupaj z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami v praksi v resničnem življenju in sodelovanjem z izkušenimi strokovnjaki iz različnih panog, lahko NED New Era Development ustvari inovativne izdelke Fintech in brezčasne tehnološke rešitve.  

Furthermore, an expert valuation of the entire NED ecosystem’s know-how, carried out by a reputable, independent certification body, already exceeds the hundreds of millions. Continuous development and expansion accompanied by innovative solutions give NED the advantage of being always one step ahead of the competition, with constantly increasing value.

It’s not just that NED New Era Development believes in a new, open way of thinking about investing. The company’s approach to risk-management, results-oriented focus, accessibility, sustainability, transparency and unprecedented security open up the world of twenty-first-century FinTech technology for clients.

komu je namenjen? 

Koga bi zdaj moral zanimati ekosistem NED?

Are you looking for a reliable and state-independent tool to protect against inflation that devalues your savings? Are you tempted by the possibility of fantastic appreciation that traditional financial products simply don’t offer?

NED tokens are a convenient and elegant alternative to conventional financial instruments and an excellent response to the emerging issue of maximum diversification of investment risk in the current situation. The last, but not least, important argument in favor is the opportunity to invest your free resources in the most innovative instrument, especially if you are interested in participating in a FinTech enterprise and entering a revolutionary ecosystem that goes far beyond the world of cryptocurrencies and offers unparalleled possibilities — whether in the market, the above-mentioned real estate sector or functional, encrypted and secure data storage.  

Kriptovalute so tu, da ostanejo in ne gredo nikamor. Kljub neizogibnim nihanjem njihove dejanske vrednosti (take popravke kaže vsak zdrav trg), bo povpraševanje vedno večje od ponudbe in tako se bo vrednost kriptovalut na dolgi rok vedno povečevala. 

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