Posodobitev IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim: predsednik Nord Quantique, tehnični direktor in soustanovitelj, Julien Camirand Lemyre, je govornik leta 2024 - Inside Quantum Technology

Posodobitev IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim: predsednik Nord Quantique, tehnični direktor in soustanovitelj, Julien Camirand Lemyre, je govornik leta 2024 – Inside Quantum Technology

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Julien Camirand Lemyre, CTO, President, and Co-Founder of Nord Quantinque, is a 2024 speaker at the IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim conference

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry objavljeno 27. aprila 2024

Dr Julien Camirand Lemyre, co-founder, President, and Chief Technology Officer of Nord Quantique, is slated to share his expertise at the IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim konferenca. With a PhD in physics, Camirand Lemyre has nearly a decade of experience specializing in vertical systems integration for quantum computing. His academic and professional journey has uniquely positioned him at the forefront of technological innovation in the quantum sector.

As CTO of Nord Quantique, Camirand Lemyre has been instrumental in driving the company’s vision of integrating advanced quantum technologies with existing quantum ecosystems. This approach has not only fostered robust collaborations but has also spurred significant innovations within the industry. His leadership has been pivotal in propelling Nord Quantique towards reducing error rates in quantum computers, a crucial step towards practical and reliable quantum computing applications.

At the conference, attendees can look forward to in-depth discussions led by Camirand Lemyre on the challenges and breakthroughs in quantum computing. His presentation will delve into the technical strategies employed by Nord Quantique to enhance the stability and efficiency of quantum systems, reflecting his deep commitment to advancing the field through collaborative and innovative efforts.

IQT Vancouver · Pacific Rim 2024: Kvantno računalništvo, komunikacije in varnost – poti do rešitev v resničnem svetu.

Z Vancouvrom kot prehodom Severne Amerike v pacifiški rob, IQT in Inštitut za kvantne algoritme sta povezovanje partnerji po vsej Severni Ameriki in Aziji, da bi predstavili stanje kvantnega računalništva, komunikacij in varnosti. Ta mednarodna konferenca presega kvantni hype in predstavlja profil kvantnega računalništva, komunikacijskih tehnologij in kvantnega strokovnega znanja v realnem svetu. Seje bodo osvetlile praktične uporabe kvantnih algoritmov in mreženje v farmacevtskih, transportnih, finančnih in drugih panogah. Udeleženci bodo predstavniki industrije in vlade, končni uporabniki in vlagatelji, ki se bodo seznanili z najnovejšim razvojem teh tehnologij, načini, kako se podjetja pripraviti na kvantne rešitve, ter etičnimi in političnimi vidiki v tej hitro rastoči industriji.

Prijavite se za IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 tukaj. 

Konferenca, fotonika, kvantno računalništvo

IQT Vancouver, Julien Camirand Lemyre, Nord Quantique

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