Od bland do briljantnega: podcenjen pomen notranje komunikacije

Od bland do briljantnega: podcenjen pomen notranje komunikacije

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Most consider a good vocabulary a proxy for erudition and intelligence. We appreciate the breadth of the English language and enjoy using fancier words instead of basic ones. When you encounter long lines at your local mall food court, you may feel better saying “Preposterous” while doing a derisive hair flip – or is that just me? 

Če pa je namen komunikacije posredovanje informacij, ali modni besednjak prispeva k njeni učinkovitosti? Daniel Kahneman, avtor Razmišljanje hitro in počasno, v enem mojih najljubših odlomkov iz knjige piše: 

If you care about being thought credible and intelligent, don’t use complex language where simpler language will do. My Princeton colleague Danny Oppenheimer refuted a myth prevalent among undergraduates about the vocabulary that professors find most impressive. In an article titled ‘Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly’, he showed that couching familiar ideas in pretentious language is taken as a sign of poor intelligence and low credibility. 

In our previous editions, we’ve seen that we can learn Dwighta Schruteja o pomembnosti poveljniške namere in zakaj preimenovanje vašega načrta vadbe. Projekt David vam lahko pomaga hitreje pridobiti kondicijo. Naše občudovanje moči jezika ni novo, toda danes se posebej poglobimo v to, zakaj ima lahko čas, da naredite svoje sporočilo preprosto in privlačno, dolgotrajne učinke na njegovo ohranitev in izvajanje. 

Businesses often invest time crafting external copy like a campaign slogan or witty ad copy; internal communication deserves the same attention. Here’s why. 

When I say, “It’s still Day 1,” most of you will recognize it instantly, even if you don’t or haven’t worked at Amazon. Jeff Bezos invested significant time encoding Amazon’s most important strategies into concise and memorable forms. 

Eugene Wei, one of the earliest members of Amazon’s finance team, recalls, “Every year I was at Amazon had a theme. These themes were concise and memorable ways to help everyone remember the most important goal of the company that year.

»Eno leto, ko je bil naš glavni cilj povečati naše prihodke in obseg naročil čim hitreje, da bi dosegli ekonomijo obsega, ki bi izkoristila naše visoke naložbe v infrastrukturo s fiksnimi stroški in dala veter v naš vztrajnik, je bila tema 'Postanite veliki Fast Baby.'

“Another time, as we looked out and saw the $1B revenue milestone approaching, one of Jeff’s chief concerns was whether our company’s processes could scale to handle that volume of orders without breaking. To head off any such stumbles, we set aside an entire year at the company for GOHIO. It stood for ‘Getting our house in order.’”

As a leader, Bezos knew how to tap into the power of rhetoric. He held company-wide contests to come up with the most catchy way to remember their annual themes. “Get Big Fast Baby” was time well spent. 

If you want to test how strategically aligned your company is, stop a random person on your floor and ask him what the company’s top priority for 2023 is; do you think you’ll get an answer? How accurate will it be? 

Kaj beremo

Eugene Wei poglobljeno piše o svojem času pri Amazonu in Bezosovi predanosti ustvarjanju privlačnih, nepozabnih ciljev. Preprostejše ko so vaše mantre, večji vpliv imate na odločitve, tudi ko niste v sobi. Jpeg vaše ideje >

Ko smo že pri interni komunikaciji, kaj če bi imeli vodnike o tem, kako delati z ljudmi, namesto da bi se učili na težji način v prvih šestih mesecih srečanja z njimi? Claire Hughes-Johnson, nekdanja glavna operativna direktorica pri Stripe, je napisala a Vodnik Delaj z mano and sends it to everyone she works with. It includes details about her management style and communication patterns. This can help set expectations in new working relationships. For example, when I’m stressed or suffering from writer’s block, I’ll only respond with ‘haha’ to funny GIFs instead of my usual ‘Ahahah.’ What would yours look like? 

Za 'nit' črve

Jackson Greathouse Fall je v zadnjem eksperimentu z umetno inteligenco, ki je prevzel internet, dal ChatGPT proračun v višini 100 USD in ga prosil, naj s tem zasluži čim več denarja. Do 2. dneva je bilo podjetje, ki so ga ustvarili, ocenjeno na 25,000 $ in Jackson je izdal uradni izziv, da čim prej pride do 100,000 $ gotovine! 

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