Lastniška tehnologija Regreen Technologies Waste to Energy Zero Fill Technology imenovana za enega od zmagovalcev najboljših ekoloških ponudnikov Food Logistics 2021

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Leading Zero-Waste Modernization in Green Energy creation by processing on a scale of 1 ton per hour to 52 ton per hour based on equipment setup. Creating a minimal time, size and labor requirements to achieve big and immediate results. Regreen Technologies is your partner and advisor for today’s green energy solutions, demonstrating technology-based sustainability solutions to reduce emissions, eliminate waste, promote recycling, and bring a circular economy to reality with zero-landfills.

Lastniška tehnologija Regreen Technologies Waste to Energy Zero Fill Technology imenovana za enega od zmagovalcev najboljših ekoloških ponudnikov Food Logistics 2021

Huntington Beach, CA, June 26, 2021 –(– Regreen Technologies, Inc., the leader in Waste to Green Energy, today announced that it has been awarded the “Top Green Provider 2021” by Food Logistics Magazine, the only publication exclusively dedicated to covering the food and beverage industry and supply chain.

Živilska logistika, edina publikacija, ki je izključno namenjena pokrivanju pretoka izdelkov skozi globalno verigo oskrbe s hladno hrano, je Regreen Technologies imenovala za svoje zmagovalce najboljših zelenih ponudnikov 2021.

Food Logistics’ annual Top Green Providers recognizes and awards companies whose products, services or exemplary leadership is enhancing sustainability within the cold food and beverage industry. The editorial staff evaluates a company’s participation in such programs as the EPA’s SmartWay and other recognized sustainability programs; facilities that are LEED-certified and/or feature solar panels, LED lighting and other energy saving installations and retrofits; and other means of producing measurable reductions in GHG emissions, to name a few.

A distinguished panel of Food Logistics and Supply Chain Experts, including the Food Logistics editorial board, finalized the award winners of the “Top Green Providers 2021” and shortlisted the best of the best vendors and consultants in each of their distinct fields of expertise and product or service offerings.

“When the pandemic hit, I thought for sure that sustainability would be pushed to the wayside. But, in fact, the complete opposite happened. And, I couldn’t be more appreciative of the supply chain industry’s efforts in making sustainability top of mind in every aspect of their organization despite the many supply chain disruptions they continue to face,” says Marina Mayer, Editor-in-Chief of Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive. “Sustainability is the key to success, and the recipients of this year’s award prove that when sustainability matters to them, they will continue to do great things and make a difference in the industry.”

“We are honored to be recognized by Food Logistics as a top Green Supply Chain Management Solution Provider as it comes with our internationally patented technology and processes creating zero waste for food, organics and msw. With the focus of creating fully sustainable carbon negative results with leaving no waste, creating Green energy and reclaiming water,” said Albert Mardikian, Found and CEO of Regreen Technologies, Inc. “Demand-Driven waste conversion and eliminating the use of landfills is the next evolution of the food industry in today’s environment. Regreen Technologies dviguje trenutne standarde za napredek pametnih mest, s poudarkom na donosni in trajnostni prihodnosti. Omejevanje dobavne verige ravnanja z odpadno hrano in prejemanje plačila za smeti, ko se predelajo v proizvodnjo energije, organskih gnojil ali živalske krme.«

80 milijard lbs. samo v ZDA se vsako leto zavrže . To je enakovredno 1,000 Empire State Buildings. Združene države so vodilne v svetu na področju živilskih odpadkov, saj Američani vsako leto zavržejo skoraj 40 milijonov ton hrane. To je 80 milijard funtov hrane in je enako več kot 161 milijard dolarjev, približno 219 funtov odpadkov na osebo in 30-40 odstotkov zaloge hrane v ZDA. Večino te hrane pošljejo na odlagališča; Hrana je največja posamezna komponenta, ki zaseda prostor na odlagališčih v ZDA. Pravzaprav predstavlja 22 odstotkov trdnih komunalnih odpadkov, poroča The Waste Agency.

Wasting food has irreversible environmental consequences: it wastes the water and energy it took to produce it, and generates greenhouse gases – 7 percent of the world’s emissions – like methane, carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons, which contribute to global warming.

Prejemniki letošnje nagrade bodo predstavljeni v tiskani številki junija 2021. Pojdi do za ogled celotnega seznama vseh najboljših zelenih ponudnikov v letu 2021.

PR stik
Alex Mardikian
Regreen Technologies, Inc.

O logistiki hrane
Food Logistics je edina publikacija, ki je izključno namenjena pokrivanju gibanja izdelkov skozi globalno verigo oskrbe s hladno hrano, s poudarkom na transportu, skladiščenju, pakiranju, obvladovanju tveganja, varnosti hrane in več.

O Regreen Technologies
Je multi-patentirana tehnologija za pretvorbo odpadkov v kosmiče/brikete/pelete Regreen System. Ta horizontalni tržni sistem je dodatno nadgrajen z zalednimi moduli, združljivimi z Regreen, te rezultate je mogoče dodatno monetizirati s pretvorbo v bolj dragocene in uporabne izdelke, npr. sintetični plin, piro olje, bio oglje z uporabo pirolize ali prehod na tekoče gorivo (sintetični plin, dizel, metan, vodik itd.) z uporabo drugih modulov

Drastično zmanjšanje ali celo odprava v nekaterih primerih:
– Emissions and Carbon Footprint
– Eliminates Landfills and
– Eliminates that ends up in waterways and oceans.
– Odstrani težko uničljive bakterije in patogene, ne da bi uničil vsebino materiala.
– To Enable the user to Sell Carbon Credit to the World Market
– Aids in reducing Global warming: since 25% from food waste, 45% from animal waste
– Simple and Unprecedented Process within only 60 to 120 minutes total time. From start to finish; from waste to energy.


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