开放式保险:从开放式银行业务中挖掘什么和放弃什么 (Matthias Biehl)

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开放保险旨在在保险公司和科技公司之间建立技术驱动的合作,以促进创新,为数字生态系统和新商业模式的出现提供肥沃的土壤,并最终为客户提供更好的体验。开放式保险实现的技术驱动型协作基于在征得客户同意的情况下通过 API 共享客户数据。尽管是在不同的行业,但实现开放式保险的故事情节和技术都是众所周知的。



在我们的全球经济中,一个司法管辖区的监管行动往往会对其他司法管辖区产生间接的连锁反应。英国和欧盟的开放银行监管 (PSD2) 一直是开放银行的领跑者,推动了开放银行的发展。更有趣的是,它在其管辖范围之外产生了连锁反应,蔓延到世界许多地区(见

Based on this experience in Open Banking, a good indicator for a breakthrough in Open Insurance is a looming regulation – anywhere in the world. The ripple effect might influence other markets as well, compels other markets to act, react or preempt, whether with a market-driven approach or a regulation of their own.

职业养老金管理局 (EIOPA) 已结束有关开放式保险的公众咨询
2021 年初。继之前主导了开放银行 (PSD2) 和数据隐私 (GDPR) 的监管方法之后,欧盟也可能在开放保险方面发挥带头作用。


A learning from Open Banking is not to treat APIs as a compliance project that is implemented to satisfy known requirements – 1,2,3, and done. There is a large chance to miss the biggest opportunities, which might be related to APIs in the vicinity of the regulation, using the same tech stack and infrastructure, but serving different use cases.

So don’t think of Open Insurance APIs as being fixed in scope by regulation or industry standards, instead think of your APIs as a growing catalog of products, containing standardized and regulatory Open Insurance APIs as the nucleus but also many differentiating APIs around this nucleus. Set up your Open Insurance API initiative not as a project team, but as a product team that designs, develops, but also maintains, supports, evolves, and grows your Open Insurance APIs from now on out.


了解何时标准化 API 以及何时通过 API 进行区分!标准化 API 非常适合竞争对手之间几乎没有差异的数据。此类数据代表了行业中的最小公分母,应进行标准化以方便访问。 


但请注意只为开放式保险创建一个标准!这就是 PSD2 世界中的开放银行业出错的地方:太多的标准(例如 Berlin Group 和 STET)和标准的变体(各个银行的轻微实施偏差)部分地违背了标准的目的。

除了标准化的 API 之外,每家公司还以其现有的功能、产品和服务具有差异化的特定领域。对于这些人来说,创建标准化 API 没有任何意义。差异化的产品应该通过差异化的API来体现。例如,如果一家银行是一家领先的外汇 (FX) 做市商,那么提供外汇 API 就很有意义,尽管该 API 并未标准化,而且该银行是特定领域唯一提供该 API 的银行。市场。

将 API 用户建立为客户

APIs are not used by your typical end-users. Bank clients don’t use the Open Banking APIs directly. The same will be true for Open Insurance APIs: they won’t be directly used by the insurance policyholders directly. API customers are a new customer segment for insurers – just as they were for banks. It is important to establish the API customers as a new customer group within the organization.

Remember that the API customer group receives value from your organization, so it should be possible to receive compensation in this value transaction – whether it is in the form of money or in some other form. Get to know this new customer group, segment API customers, and describe those segments in the form of personas or customer profiles.

创建以客户为中心的开放保险 API

在与潜在 API 客户的紧密反馈循环中开发 API。众所周知,遵循以客户为中心的设计方法可以产生卓越的产品。但通常这种方法仅适用于具有 UI 的最终用户导向产品,例如移动应用程序或网站。 

对于 API 等技术产品,无论是银行还是保险公司,现有组织通常还没有很好地建立以客户为中心的方法。此外,API是抽象产品,难以掌握和描述。获取反馈并建立反馈循环是一项艰巨的挑战。需要推动思维方式转变,将 API 视为产品,将 API 用户视为客户。

从开放银行计划中吸取的教训告诉我们,API 原型和模拟可以获得最好的反馈。他们使抽象的 API 变得具体和有触觉,可以测试和触摸,感觉就像成品一样。

它不仅仅是 API

An Open Insurance ecosystem — just like an Open Banking ecosystem — needs to take many aspects into account. Open Insurance can use many of the fundamental “rules of the game” of Open Banking,  covering such topics as: who can participate in the ecosystem, under which conditions, what the responsibilities of the various players are, and in the end how trust is created and maintained in the ecosystem. It is important to set the right stakeholder incentives and establish some form of reciprocity. Bancassurance and insurance optimization based on Open Banking transaction data are initial use cases where customer journeys will need to cross borders between the Open Insurance and the Open Banking ecosystems.


照片由 Erol Ahmed 在 Unsplash 上拍摄



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