Amended Ripple Class-Action Covers Possibility XRP Is Not a Security

An amendment to the class-action lawsuit against Ripple, filed March 25, included additional claims of false advertising and unfair competition, “under the alternative theory that XRP is not a security.”The disgruntled investors’ sixth and seventh claims for relief would appear to be a direct hedge in the event that the judge rules against the original suit suggesting that XRP was illegally sold as an unregistered security.Hedging their betsThe filing included two additional claims for relief, in relation to alleged false advertising and unfair competition, both in violation of the California

With Reserve Requirement for Banks Set to Zero by the Fed, You Need to Think Making Bitcoin Your…

If you continue to trust the banks, it will be at your own risk.The month of March 2020 is forever etched in history. The strong spread of the coronavirus around the world will have played the role of trigger in the economic crisis announced for years… Source:

Evolution of‘Payments’ Will Bolster Next-Generation Businesses

Humans have always been on a developmental journey. When we are born into thousands of years of inventions and improvements, it’s easy to take for granted what’s around us— as if they always existed. We seldom think about the changes it took to get to where we are.Take for example, the creation of language and how that opened up a new course in human history. How it led to communication, collaboration, communities and organizations. From there, people organized a set of doctrines and came up with story-telling, a precursor to

Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator Director on What DLT Startups Need to Succeed

The Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator — an incubator for early stage distributed ledger technology startups at the University of California, Berkeley — recently launched its spring cohort, which includes startups seeking to fight COVID-19, launch a cannabis-themed massively multiplayer online game and create a reverse auction platform for loans.Cointelegraph spoke to Jocelyn Weber, the director of the Xcelerator, to find out more about the resources the program offers to startups, success stories from previous cohorts and advice for startups looking to launch in the crypto space.Cointelegraph: Could you give an overview

Cardano’s Byron Reboot Goes Live, Paving Way to Shelley Mainnet

Proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain Cardano (ADA) went live with its Byron reboot yesterday, March 30, as the project prepares its transition to the Shelley mainnet.Announced by Cardano’s developer, the peer-to-peer technology firm Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), the reboot involves a series of updates to major components of the Cardano network — the Cardano node, explorer, and Daedalus wallet backend, which is being spun out as a new version, Daedalus Flight.A process, not an eventIn an outline of the reboot’s significance, which has taken 18 months to complete, IOHK explained that

Tether CTO Praises Company’s Own Coin, Takes A Shot At Others

Earlier this month, at the CryptoCompare Digital Asset Summit that was held in London, the CTO of Tether, Paolo Ardoino, gave a public statement about the future of DeFi. According to Arduino, the DeFi industry as a whole is facing a risk to its entire system, due to the fact that it only leverages the value from the cryptocurrency industry.Low-Brow TacticsIn a move that sounds suspiciously like an attempt to slander one of Tether’s rival stablecoins, the Dai, he talked about the volatility of the crypto industry as a whole.

Bitcoin Codebase Preserved for 1,000 Years in Archive Under Arctic Ice

A snapshot of the Bitcoin codebase will be encoded onto film reels and stored for a thousand years under the arctic ice in Svalbard, Norway. The move is part of the GitHub Archive Program, with a mission to preserve open-source software, for future generations to learn about the culture of today.GitHub has partnered with institutions such as the Software Heritage Foundation, Arctic World Archive, and Oxford University’s Bodleian Library to ensure the long-term preservation of code, which could otherwise be abandoned, forgotten or lost.With the ephemeral nature of much of

Huobi Wallet and Crypto Lender Cred Now Enable Users to Earn Interest

Major cryptocurrency exchange and wallet provider Huobi has partnered with decentralized crypto lending platform Cred to enable users to earn interest on their holdings.An announcement on April 1 revealed that Cred’s lending and borrowing services will be fully integrated into the Huobi Wallet, which supports over 1,000 crypto assets, including 8 stablecoins, for users across 200 countries and regions.The two firms did not provide a comprehensive list of supported crypto assets, but noted that Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) and stablecoins such as Universal Dollar (UPUSD) would be part of the

Not April Fool’s — Trump Hints at $9 Oil After Accidental Bitcoin Plug

After inadvertently advertising Bitcoin (BTC) last week, United States President Donald Trump has now hinted that he expects oil to crash to just $9.In a press conference on March 31, Trump reiterated what has become a penchant for lower oil prices. Trump: $9 could “get you what you wanted”He was speaking amid talks with both Russia and Saudi Arabia, both of which plan to increase oil production this month despite the plunge in demand caused by coronavirus. WTI crude prices have lost more than 50% in the past 30 days alone. “Look,

Bitcoin and Visa Transactions Plunge But Pizza Deliveries Are Up

Online purchases using Bitcoin (BTC), Visa, and some retail apps are down for the first quarter of 2020, spanning cryptocurrency and fiat currency transactions.With many around the world self-quarantining or otherwise recommended to stay inside to prevent the spread of COVID-19, one might assume there would be an increase in online purchases and deliveries. Yet with unemployment on the rise and an uncertain economic future, it seems consumers want to save their money rather than spend it.Bitcoin transactions rivaling those during crypto winterThe crypto market is not exempt from this