30-Day Doubling Challenge Transforms Linear Mindset to an Exponential Mindset

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Stacey Murphy

How we measure the world matters. What we focus on creates our reality.

Consider Babylonian mathematics for a moment. It was based on a sexigesimal system, which is why we have 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 degrees in a circle. Can you imagine a minute having 100 seconds or an hour having 100 minutes?

Our brains would have to transition to a completely new understanding of time. Which is happening in a different way today. We are in an historical moment where the foundation of how we think about time and progress is shifting to an Exponential Mindset.

Logarithmic mathematics, and it’s inverse, Exponentials, came into human consciousness in the 17th century, and used mostly by engineers and researchers. Until now…

More to the point, mainstream culture has been grappling to make sense of exponentials as these technologies become more and more a part of daily life. It is imperative to cultivate your Exponential Mindset today.

That’s why the 30-Day Doubling Challenge by the Exponential Organizations Economy is so intriguing. The mission is to show people how deceivingly fast exponential growth is. You start with 0.00002 EXOs tokens and 30 doublings later you have 10,737 tokens.

If you look at the number of tokens from start to finish, you might notice that ten decimal places is a big leap in numbers! Many businesses try to 10x their bottom line, which is jumping just ONE decimal place, and they fail. So thinking about jumping TEN decimal places… the logical brain has a hard time even comprehending what that means.

It’s manageable. It’s the BRIDGE to shift your mindset from linear to exponential without the fancy logarithmic grid paper.

And that’s why I had to experience the challenge… to see if my brain could bridge the gap. As an entrepreneur and impact investor, it’s going to be imperative to think exponentially to thrive in this new world order.

So I began my journey with the 30-Day Doubling Challenge.

To receive a doubling, there was a list of potential activities that incentivized me to engage with the Exponential Organizations community, the public, and with the tokens. All things that would help me with my goals as an entrepreneur.

I completed my first ten doublings on the first day, and went from 0.0002 to only 0.01024 tokens!

If this were a road trip from California to New York, I was technically one-third of the way there, somewhere in New Mexico, but it felt like I hadn’t left the driveway yet when I looked at the number of tokens. The second day, I completed the next ten doublings for a total of twenty doublings, which brought me to 10.49 tokens. My brain knew that I was two-thirds of the way there, but when I saw how small the number was after so much activity I wondered if I would ever get there. On that same road trip, I would be in Indiana somewhere.

At 24 doublings I was only at 168 tokens. Really?!? This is when the mind chatter started to kick in. It sounded like little kids in the backseat of the car.

This is the moment that I almost fell asleep at the wheel without realizing where I was. It felt like I was still in my neighborhood when in reality, I was all the way across the country to Ohio. Was it all worth it? If this was a business, you might think that you were never going to achieve your goal, abandon ship, and try something new.

That would be a serious error of judgement.

Here’s the thing that blew my mind when I reached 27 doublings. Everyone says this, but you don’t really get it until you experience it for yourself.

Those last 4 tasks felt VERY satisfying. So much progress seemingly so effortless compared to what came before.

Each doubling brought a huge leap in tokens. So much so that I completed an extra two doublings because I was in flow.

So did the challenge deliver on its promise to help me understand an Exponential Mindset?

To test it, here’s an interesting question. How does my brain now map exponential growth?

Our goals in life are always expanding. So now that I have 10,737 tokens, how do I conceptualize getting to 1,000,000,000 tokens?

What’s interesting is that my brain looked at the number of decimal places and estimated another fifteen doublings based on my experience. After doing the math, it is actually seventeen doublings to get to 1,407,320,064 tokens.

So the 30-Day Doubling Challenge was effective in giving me a new tool to gauge exponential growth a bit more easily for now. But it’s still a bit of a crutch. It’s not yet an Exponential Mindset when you count the number of doublings, because that’s still a linear process.

But it’s a tool that is very useful.

And it creates a bridge so that someday the brain will actually shift to logarithmic thinking, because we swim in even more exponential technology every day.

To get your feet wet in the experience of earning EXOS tokens visit the ExO Economy at https://economy.openexo.com to play with the latest tools, earn, learn & invest environment.

Source: https://medium.com/@staceyjeanne/30-day-doubling-challenge-transforms-linear-mindset-to-an-exponential-mindset-4074c9ba1902?source=rss——cryptocurrency-5

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