Axie Infinity Origin – Buff and Debuffs Guide and Status Effects

Source Node: 1284924

By Meghan Lim and Julian Barcega

For Axie Infinity’s latest version, Origin, the team at Sky Mavis revamped the buffs and debuffs experienced in the game and refreshed the player experience by introducing a significant number of status effects. Gone are the days when we look at a symbol and automatically know the status of our precious Axies—a new chapter has unfolded; let us get to learning!

List of Status Effects

In this guide, Axie Status Effects are classified into three: Buffs, Debuffs, and Neutrals.

They are compiled below and are briefly described. All data is subject to change as Axie Infinity progresses the game.


Bubble Block 5 DMG/stack. Max: 3 stack. Turn into Bubble Bomb upon reaching 3 stacks.
Cleanser Each stack negates 1 debuff applied on the target.
Feather When Axie does an attack, consume all Feather stacks to deal 2 bonus DMG per stack and heals 2 HP per stack. Max: 10 stack.
Healing Boost Increase healing card effects to this unit by 1 HP per stack.
Meditate Meditate for 2 turns. If attacked while Meditating, awake and gain 3 Rage. If not, Cleanse 1 debuff and gain 1 Energy after effect ends.
Shield Boost The Target has Shield gained from cards increased by 1 per stack.
Bubble Bomb Next attack explodes Bubble Bomb and deals 20 DMG to all Enemies.
Damage Boost The target has Attack DMG increased by 1 per stack.
Fury Gain 1 Energy when transformed. Deal double damage and last for 1 turn.
Leaf Regen 5 HP at the end of your turn. Max stack: 5.
Rage DMG is increased by 2 per Rage stack. Transform into Fury Form when it reaches 10 Rage stack.
Stealth The target cannot be targeted directly. If it uses a card, remove Stealth.


Bleed Whenever the target uses a card, it loses 15HP.
Disarmed The target cannot use Attack cards.
Fear Whenever the target uses an Attack card, shuffle a Confused into its draw pile.
Heal Block The target cannot be healed.
Poison At the start of its turn, the target loses 3 HP per stack and stacks are reduced by 1. Max: 30 stacks.
Sleep The target cannot use cards. If it is attacked, remove Sleep.
Vulnerable The target receives 20% more attack damage.
Death Mark Whenever the opponent plays an Attack Card, the target take 13 DMG per Energy spent.
Doubt The target gains 20% less HP from Healing.
Fragile The target gains 20% less Shield from cards.
Hex Whenever the target uses a non-Attack card, shuffle a Confused into its draw pile.
Silence The target cannot use non-Attack cards.
Stunned The target cannot perform any action.
Weak The target deals 20% less attack damage.


Unsurprisingly, status effects are more than able to change the tide of ongoing battles.. While they can act as both an advantage and disadvantage to Axie Teams and their Trainers, all it takes is the right hand, great synergy, and foreseeing decisions to swoop in and take the victory. Thus, it is indeed important to familiarize yourself with buffs, debuffs, and neutrals to advance your gameplay and climb the top of the leaderboard!

This article is published on BitPinas: Axie Infinity Origin – Buff and Debuffs Guide and Status Effects

Editing by Meghan Lim

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