Classical simulation of non-Gaussian fermionic circuits

Classical simulation of non-Gaussian fermionic circuits

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Beatriz Dias and Robert Koenig

Department of Mathematics, School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany
Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Munich, Germany

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We propose efficient algorithms for classically simulating fermionic linear optics operations applied to non-Gaussian initial states. By gadget constructions, this provides algorithms for fermionic linear optics with non-Gaussian operations. We argue that this problem is analogous to that of simulating Clifford circuits with non-stabilizer initial states: Algorithms for the latter problem immediately translate to the fermionic setting. Our construction is based on an extension of the covariance matrix formalism which permits to efficiently track relative phases in superpositions of Gaussian states. It yields simulation algorithms with polynomial complexity in the number of fermions, the desired accuracy, and certain quantities capturing the degree of non-Gaussianity of the initial state. We study one such quantity, the fermionic Gaussian extent, and show that it is multiplicative on tensor products when the so-called fermionic Gaussian fidelity is. We establish this property for the tensor product of two arbitrary pure states of four fermions with positive parity.


QIP24 talk: Classical simulation of non Gaussian fermionic circuits by Beatriz Cardoso Dias

and Quanta magazine feature.

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