Parity Quantum Optimization: Benchmarks

Parity Quantum Optimization: Benchmarks

Source Node: 2016334

Michael Fellner, Kilian Ender, Roeland ter Hoeven, and Wolfgang Lechner

Parity Quantum Computing GmbH, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

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We present benchmarks of the parity transformation for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). We analyse the gate resources required to implement a single QAOA cycle for real-world scenarios. In particular, we consider random spin models with higher order terms, as well as the problems of predicting financial crashes and finding the ground states of electronic structure Hamiltonians. For the spin models studied our findings imply a significant advantage of the parity mapping compared to the standard gate model. In combination with full parallelizability of gates this has the potential to boost the race for demonstrating quantum advantage.

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[2] Kilian Ender, Roeland ter Hoeven, Benjamin E. Niehoff, Maike Drieb-Schön, and Wolfgang Lechner, “Parity Quantum Optimization: Compiler”, arXiv:2105.06233, (2021).

[3] P. V. Sriluckshmy, Vicente Pina-Canelles, Mario Ponce, Manuel G. Algaba, Fedor Å imkovic, and Martin Leib, “Optimal, hardware native decomposition of parameterized multi-qubit Pauli gates”, arXiv:2303.04498, (2023).

[4] Maike Drieb-Schön, Kilian Ender, Younes Javanmard, and Wolfgang Lechner, “Parity Quantum Optimization: Encoding Constraints”, arXiv:2105.06235, (2021).

[5] Narendra N. Hegade, Koushik Paul, F. Albarrán-Arriagada, Xi Chen, and Enrique Solano, “Digitized adiabatic quantum factorization”, Physical Review A 104 5, L050403 (2021).

[6] Federico Dominguez, Josua Unger, Matthias Traube, Barry Mant, Christian Ertler, and Wolfgang Lechner, “Encoding-Independent Optimization Problem Formulation for Quantum Computing”, arXiv:2302.03711, (2023).

[7] Anita Weidinger, Glen Bigan Mbeng, and Wolfgang Lechner, “Error Mitigation for Quantum Approximate Optimization”, arXiv:2301.05042, (2023).

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