Proximie launches wearable smart glasses PxLens

Proximie launches wearable smart glasses PxLens

Source Node: 2050138



Health technology platform provider Proximie has now released PxLens, a smart glasses solution, after its successful pilot tests last year.

This wearable smart glass can be quickly set up and paired easily with the Proximie mobile app.

Its lenses use Vuzix M4000 smart glass technology combined with see-through waveguide technology.

It can also be seamlessly integrated with Proximie’s cloud platform for telepresence, content management and to get insights from the operating room.

PxLens is the first enterprise-focused smart glasses, offering a see-through heads-up display.

It is a voice-activated device with commands enabling hands-free control. The battery packs for the device can be swapped mid-procedure, thereby ensuring that long procedures can be fully streamed and recorded.

A comfortable head mount allows surgeons to share a first-person perspective of the surgeries and minimally invasive procedures. This allows participants to remotely observe high-definition pictures and streamed videos of such surgeries and procedures.

Pilot procedures with surgeons wearing the PxLens were conducted in the UK and the US last year.

Some of these procedures included colorectal, otolaryngology, orthopaedic, plastics, and urology surgeries.

The company claimed that it has received positive feedback from users.

Proximie founder and CEO Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram said: “Vuzix smart glasses represent a lightweight, wearable, hands-free solution that delivers high performance on every measure. The PxLens is another step on Proximie’s journey to help surgeons deliver effective and efficient care.

“It provides an insightful first-person perspective and helps make the recording and sharing of procedures ubiquitous. This improves patient care, training, skills development, and overall surgical efficiency.”

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