Indian crypto investors may not be charged this tax

India may not be charging a 2% equalization levy on crypto investors. Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman was responding to a query by the deputy chief minister of the eastern state of Bihar about data concerning crypto exchanges and their investors in the country. Sitharaman noted that the current administration did not collect any such information. Earlier reports stated that the tax department was analyzing whether the equalization tax will be applicable on the purchase of digital assets from overseas exchanges. This was because the country has expanded the

EOS Price Prediction 2021, 2025, 2030

What is EOS? EOS is one of the best-known cryptocurrencies today that allows building decentralized apps (DApps) in a simple and scalable way. EOS cryptocurrency was developed by a company called Block.one. Founded by software programmer Daniel Larimer and entrepreneur Brendan Blumer, who still hold the roles of CTO and CEO, the company began to work on the project in 2017. In June of 2018, the EOS officially went live after a year-long Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The ICO raised more than $4 billion, despite the prohibition to participate from

Team Great Britain to Serve Olympics With a Side of NFTs

NFT News Team Great Britain has become the first Olympic team to launch its NFT collection. The project is a collab with designer Ben Sherman and Commerce provider Tokns. The first NFT minted will commemorate Max Whitlock’s performance in Rio in 2016. Great Britain’s Team is all set for the Olympics and comes with its own set of Non-Fungible Tokens. That’s right, the great nation’s team will become the first to launch its own NFT collection. Working alongside Ben Sherman, the team is launching its own non-fungible token collection. They

Bitcoin’s future price action would depend on these key aspects

A massive drop, fear and anxiety at their peak, and a superstar entry back with a bang, pretty much sums up Bitcoin’s price action over the past week. The king coin’s downward trajectory led to a market-wide fall and a major bearish market. However, nothing is permanent in this crypto-verse where volatility is the name of the game. Bitcoin’s foray below the $30k zone didn’t last long either, and the asset soon made a strong comeback with gains of 6.25% in 24 hours, at the time of writing. A closer look

Hollywood MPSC Platform Awarded First Nugenesis Nuchain Slot

NuGenesis Signs major contract to deliver on much discussed, Hollywood MPSC Platform (Multimedia and Product Service Coin).Want to own an NFT that not only gives you royalties but also gives you bragging rights, giving you the opportunity to own a piece of your favorite movie scene with rights and conditions attached? Taking smart contracts to a completely new level, while simplifying the NFT procurement and ownership process?Thanks to a partnership between NuGenesis and Iggy Kos. Soon, you might be able to.NFTs have become the new craze globally. Smart contracts and NFT’s

2020: Ending on a High Note

I think we all can agree that Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry reaching all time highs seemingly every other day was something that we all needed as we leave 2020 in the past and look forward to what is coming in 2021. This was a year quite different than the rest and most certainly not one any of us could have anticipated. 2020 was challenging for most - many lost jobs, loved ones and more. However, it has been a year of growth and adaptation to this new norm as

Institutional investors — the future of crypto is in their hands. Or is it not?

Institutional investors are believed to drive the cryptocurrency market’s adoption and growth. Their involvement promises to make crypto widely recognized and accepted as a truly global currency. Bitcoin is supposed to gradually become an alternative to gold and skyrocket to unprecedented crypto prices.  But is this really how institutional investors work? In which direction are they actually driving the crypto market — and, after all, who are they? In this article, we will bring you the latest examples of huge whales’ interest in crypto, discover the reasons for that, and

The Effect of Coronavirus on the Cryptocurrency Market

The year 2020, has been greatly eventful. From threats of a world war, to increased terrorist attacks. A biography on the life of the year 2020, would not only be a bestseller but also an excellent read. However the most significant single event of this year is and has been the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, at its global takeover. From a regular virus, one that was once considered to be not worse than a cold flu, to transition into a global pandemic outbreak. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of

Flare Network Review: Smart Contract Network For XRP

As the third largest cryptocurrency most people familiar with the space have heard about Ripple and they understand that it is a global payment and foreign exchange network that was designed to replace the outdated SWIFT banking network. And while it works great for that specific use case, otherwise it has shown limited usefulness in other functions.That might all be fixed however as the Flare Network has been created with the goal of improving the utility of XRP tokens by creating a network with smart contract capability for the XRP

Fundamentally Strongest Crypto Projects in 2020

There are numerous new promising cryptocurrency projects coming out every year. Some of them die quickly either because they offer nothing innovative to the cryptocurrency industry or a myriad of other reasons. However, some manage to thrive, lingering around long enough to grow through the ranks and eventually become staples of the industry. In this article, we will take a look at four projects which due to their strong fundamental basis and value added, could eventually become mainstays in the crypto industry. Elrond (EGLD) Elrond is a blockchain that sports