
Race cars and earn cryptocurrency with Riot Racers

The gaming industry has grown exponentially in the past few years, and the play-to-earn gaming model is leading the way with an innovative approach that puts the gamer in the driver’s seat. Play-to-earn is a relatively newer concept that allows players to own part of the game, earn cryptocurrency-backed tokens by playing, and later trade or exchange earned tokens for fiat on cryptocurrency exchanges. While the play-to-earn gaming industry has seen steady growth recently, many of the games have become too expensive to start playing, with the cost to play

Market Analysis Report (26 Jul 2021)

A poll conducted by American analytics firm Gallup has found that since 2018, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have gained momentum among U.S. investors. It found that 6% of its 1,037 respondents own BTC, a 4% rise from 2018. Gallup’s Investor Optimism poll defines U.S. investors as “adults with $10,000 or more invested in stocks, bonds or mutual funds.” Of the survey’s respondents, 13% under fifty hold BTC, with the number being 3% among senior investors. In 2018, 80% of investors revealed they had an interest in buying Bitcoin, while this

Bitcoin: What’s the impact of Musk’s ‘but I don’t dump’ claims

“If the price of Bitcoin goes down, I lose money. I might pump, but I don’t dump.” You might have, most definitely, stumbled upon this Elon Musk statement while scrolling through social media today. The market’s largest cryptocurrency witnessed mini-pumps in succession over the past 24 hours owing to Musk’s public appearance on “The B Word.” Riding on the back of Elon Musk’s claims, Bitcoin went on to cross the $32,500-mark. However, the same could not persist for long. Bitcoin pumped, but here’s what traders had to say Bitcoin was back

This is how confident whales are about Ethereum’s price

Ethereum has lost nearly 60% of its value since its peak back in May. However, the scale of the reversal in the value of the second-largest cryptocurrency has definitely invited more interest and support from crypto-holders in the market. ETH recently lost its support at $2,000 and dropped to $1,844, before recovering somewhat. To the market’s traders, however, this was a good entry point, with the subsequent buying pressure pushing the alt’s value to its press time value of $1,959. Buy low, sell high. We all know the basics of

SEC Crypto Mom Greets Pro-Crypto Acting Chairman

SEC Commissioner Hester Price tweeted on Dec. 24 her congratulations to fellow commissioner Elad Roisman on his promotion. Congratulations, Chairman Roisman! I look forward to your leadership of the SEC.— Hester Peirce (@HesterPeirce) December 24, 2020 Securities and Exchange Commissioner (SEC) Roisman’s appointment is not official. The SEC and White House have not confirmed the fact. However, Commissioner Price, known to the crypto community as Crypto Mom, did tweet her greetings. Feat of Clayton at SEC The move comes a day after SEC Chairman Jay Clayton announced his immediate departure.